Men's Ministries

M.O.B. - Men's Obscure Breakfast 

The Men's Obscure Breakfast is an unstructured, informal, unofficial, and randomly scheduled gathering of guys who get together just because. Meetings are normally around the campfire or at a local restaurant to simply catch up on life’s events.
MOB's goal is to set time aside to just hang out and to get to know each other a little better.
Meetings are held every 6-8 weeks.
Contact Mike Reichard.  (757) - 753 - 7810 for details about upcoming MOB meetings

Ironmen's Bible Study

Meetings consist of fellowship, prayer, a Bible study, and more fellowship and prayer.  Bible study topics are selected by the presenter each week - all very good.
We meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 10 AM to 11 AM at Rivanna Community Church sanctuary.  
A reminder notice is sent out to those interested two days before each meeting.  
Contact Gary Nelson at or (m) 813-944-7087