Rivanna Community Church exists to Love God, Love One Another, and Love the World.
We desire to become a 250-member disciple-making church that loves God through individual and corporate worship, loves one another primarily through home groups, and loves the world through outreach, missions, and church planting.
Rivanna is a Gospel Centered, Spirit Led Church that is Community Oriented and Missionally Driven.

Gospel Centered:
- We believe the gospel as it has been handed down from the apostles.
- We experience the Risen Lord and the power and comfort of His Spirit through an encounter and relationship with the Risen Lord.
- We seek to embody the message as we conform our lives to God’s purpose, love, and character and our lives look more and more like Christ’s.

Spirit Led:
- We promote and practice all gifts of the Holy Spirit as found in the New Testament.
- We welcome expressive and passionate worship.

Community Oriented:
- Community is the essence of our church and is a joyful expression of who we are. It is primarily facilitated through our home groups.
- As a relational community we welcome and seek to enfold those whose lives are being touched by the Kingdom of God.

Missionally Driven:
- Personally: We strive to live out the great commission call in our daily lives
- Locally: We seek to make a difference in our community by partnering with local ministries and planting churches
- Globally: We are committed to relationally bonded, long-term cross-cultural missions.